Thursday, March 3, 2011

Post Animania


Magna Carta

Yeah I tried taking progress photos. Then I forgot. Then I gave up. Anyway, there is SO MUCH CRAP I did badly and need to fix up.


Helping Christie with Lucky Dog shoot! Mmmm delicious prison BL

Let there be light!!!


Monday, November 15, 2010


Orrr HakuokixHetalia orrrrrr FionaxFiona? XD Assisting shoot the day after Supanova.

Madman backstage~

Straw is the only Nana in the world for me. That is all.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Poison, Poison..Tasty fish!

Handsewing the face onto Miyu's present! Each eye was 1.3-saucepan-lid in diameter, with a speaker pupil and a nailpolish bottle shine. Compases and protractors are for those who did 3U Maths. Pfff.
Also the new toy filling was full of weird dust and thread, and gave me an awful rash - compared to some old stuffing I had from 2005 which was much softer and smoother. Note to self.. young people these days!!